

While I feel that I have achieved the goals set out for my thesis project, it does have a few limitations.

First, I would have liked to have interviewed more people from the campaigns. On the Burr campaign, I was unable to make contact with Communications Director Rebecca Glover and with Senator Burr himself. Speaking with Senator Burr would have given this piece additional balance, as I included remarks from his opponent, Deborah Ross.

On the Ross campaign, I reached out to Digital Director Jonah Hermann and Research  Director Kirk Eilers, but again, I was unable to get a response. And though some interviews were much more substantial than others (Alex Johnson), it would have been ideal to have spoken to an equal number of Republicans and Democrats.

Additionally, some kind of analysis of Ross and Burr’s Facebook pages and/or YouTube channels could have helped create a more complete case study of these two campaigns. But for the sake of time, length, and my sanity, I chose to stick to Twitter, where content was most accessible.